FLV-Media Player

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Aggiornato il: 26/11/2012 - Scaricato 1.857 volte - Licenza Freeware


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FLV-Media Player  FLV-Media Player
FLV-Media Player è un prodotto Freeware pulito al 100% privo di virus, trojan o altre forme di malware.
Dimensione:8.62 MB
Lingua: Inglese
Sito Web:Sito external
Aggiunto il:26/11/2012
Aggiornato il:26/11/2012

FLV-Media Player è un eccellente player per file video .FLV e H.264-FLV di flash (480p/720p/1080p). Un player leggero, minimale ma ricco di funzioni e regolazioni, disponibile anche in italiano.

Le caratteristiche principali di FLV-Media Player sono:
- Stepless scaling
- Proportional-Scale On / Off
- Smoothing On / Off
- Auto-Rewind On / Off
- Auto-Start On / Off
- Loop-Play On / Off
- Full-Screen Mode
- Menu On / Off
- Control-Field On / Off
- Open and save local Files from your Harddisk or WWW
- Open and play File-Folders
- Drag & Drop Support
- Windows CMD Support
- Media Properties
- Favorites
- XML-Playlist (XPL Files)
- Recent File List History
- Screen-Capture Function.
- H.264 FLV-HD-Video Support (480p/720p/1080p)
- Always on Top Function
- Sleep-Timer
- Keyboard-Commands / Shortcuts
- Peak-Meter
- Multilanguage Interface via XML (Currently: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese)
- Needs no pre-installed Flash OCX Plugin!
- No more Installation Required!
- Freeware: Use it totally free without any restrictions!
- Windows 7 / Windows Vista / Windows X



Dimensione file: 8.62 MB

Alcune alternative di FLV-Media Player :
Quick Time  2.103
YTubePlayer 2.2.626Downloads:  2.353
PowerDVD 22.0.3526.62Downloads:  3.301
SMPlayer 24.5.0Downloads:  7.944
VLC media player 3.0.19Downloads:  5.790
CherryPlayer 3.2.1Downloads:  2.584
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