GainTools NSF Converter

GainTools NSF Converter 1.0.1

Aggiornato il: 05/02/2021 - Scaricato 1.020 volte - Licenza Shareware external


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GainTools NSF Converter  GainTools NSF Converter 1.0.1
GainTools NSF Converter è un prodotto Shareware external pulito al 100% privo di virus, trojan o altre forme di malware.
Dimensione:2.23 MB
Lingua: Inglese
Licenza:Shareware external
Sito Web:Sito external
Aggiunto il:11/05/2017
Aggiornato il:05/02/2021

Free download NSF converter software for complete conversion of Lotus Notes NSF files into PST, EML, MSG and MBOX format. Key features of NSF to PST converter tool: Speed of conversion is excellent.

It saves time of users by exporting NSF to PST at fast speed.

The tool takes less than a minute to convert any size NSF file. It quickly scans the selected NSF data to migrate them at a great speed.

NSF Converter exporter maintains quality while making NSF data compatible for MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Apple Mail and other email clients. The tool transfers entire items of NSF including notes, messages, emails, contacts, calendars safely.

All email properties are exported. Unicode characters are transferred. The exporter just changes the file format of NSF files. Originality of data is preserved well by the software. Free trial of the program is ready to download straight from GainTools.

Export control is at users hands. It lets you export those NSF files that you find important. There is file filter feature that allows you to filter specific NSF files for conversion.

The capability of this utility helps to get desirable results.



Dimensione file: 2.23 MB

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